File-Sharing Dictionary
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A seedbox is a private dedicated webserver used for the uploading and downloading of digital files.
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A tag used to suggest that the release is genuine or of greater quality/completeness than any previous releases of the same works.
SWF is a proprietary vector graphics file format produced by the Flash software from Adobe (formerly Macromedia). Intended to be small enough for publication on the web, SWF files can contain animations or applets of varying degrees of interactivity and function. SWF is also sometimes used for creating animated display graphics and menus for DVD movies, and television commercials.
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Usenet: reposted parts or files, uploaded after the original posting, to fill in a missing portion of a post.
Secure Sockets Layer - a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet. SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data - a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. Both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer support SSL, and many Web sites use the protocol to obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers.By convention, URLs that require an SSL connection start with https: instead of http:
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An allegedly compressed archive which is regarded as an adware/spyware/trojan scam by many
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CBR is a type of audio file encoding. In CBR (Constant Bitrate) encoding, the bitrate is kept constant across the entire file: the same number of bits is allocated to encode each second of audio, and internally, frames of audio data occur at regular, predictable intervals, so the overall file size for a given duration of audio is predictable. CBR is therefore the "opposite" of VBR.
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UHarc Compressed archive file
Alliance is an open source p2p program and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The Alliance network is completely decentralized.
a Cease and Desist letter. This is typically sent by a copyright holder, or an agent of a copyright holder, to an ISP, requesting they forward it to a customer who they say is distributing their material without authorization. It asks the customer to stop distributing the material in question.
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Files in .M4A format are actually the audio layer of (non-video) MPEG 4 movies. M4A is slated to become the new standard for audio file compression. This format is also known as Apple Lossless, Apple Lossless Encoder, or ALE. It is a new codec designed to provide lossless encoding in less storage space.
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM). Using it, you can record the history of sources files, and documents. It fills a similar role to the free software RCS, PRCS, and Aegis packages.
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An eBook is an electronic (or digital) version of a book.
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VoIP ( Voice over IP) telephony: a way of sending voice calls over the Internet using either a software or a hardware telephone.
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), is the name given by Microsoft to a method of sharing the internet connection available on one machine with one or more other machines, via a network connection.
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The darknet is not a separate physical network but an application and protocol layer riding on existing networks. Examples of darknets are peer-to-peer file sharing, CD and DVD copying, and key or password sharing on email and newsgroups
Short for IP Security, a set of protocols developed by the IETF to support secure exchange of packets at the IP layer. IPsec has been deployed widely to implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
IPsec supports two encryption modes: Transport and Tunnel. Transport mode encrypts only the data portion (payload) of each packet, but leaves the header untouched. The more secure Tunnel mode encrypts both the header and the payload. On the receiving side, an IPSec-compliant device decrypts each packet.
For IPsec to work, the sending and receiving devices must share a public key. This is accomplished through a protocol known as Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol/Oakley (ISAKMP/Oakley), which allows the receiver to obtain a public key and authenticate the sender using digital certificates.
OpenFT is a file sharing protocol developed by the giFT project. The name "OpenFT" stands for "Open FastTrack". Despite this, the OpenFT protocol is an entirely new protocol design: only a few ideas in the OpenFT protocol are drawn from what little was known about the FastTrack protocol at the time OpenFT was designed.
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ROM images (or ROMs, for short) is used in the context of emulation for a binary file which contains graphics, sounds, and program code. ROM images are usually created so that the software can be run on computer hardware different from the one the software was originally designed for, using emulator software
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NAT (Network Address Translation) allows a single device, such as a router, to act as an agent between the Internet (or "public network") and a local (or "private") network. This means that only a single, unique IP address is required to represent an entire group of computers.
Windows Media Player
An anonymous file-sharing network:
"MUTE protects your privacy by avoiding direct connections with your sharing partners in the network. Most other file sharing programs use direct connections to download or upload, making your identity available to spies from the RIAA and other unscrupulous organizations."
Distributed hash tables (DHTs) are a class of decentralized, distributed systems and algorithms being developed to provide a scalable, self-configuring infrastructure with a clean programming interface. This infrastructure can then be used to support more complex services. DHTs can be used to store data, as well as route and disseminate information. DHTs are named after hash tables because they assign responsibility for a piece of data based on a hash function (often SHA-1); each node acts like a bucket in a hash table. A DHT provides an efficient lookup algorithm (or network routing method) that allows one participating node to quickly determine which other machine is responsible for a given piece of data.
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Short for "weB LOG"; blogs are online journals or articles on just about any subject or topic. Many consider blogs pillars of the first amendment, since anyone can start writing a blog from the facets of free avenues that makes blogging openly available.
The term bloatware refers to a piece of software so bogged down with other third party software that its size becomes bloated. i.e., "That Grokster P2P program has so much spyware, its bloatware!"
Referrers to a "leet" or an "elite" class of netizens; it is a name associated with pompous individuals who believe feudalism is alive and well on the Internet.
A CD image file, like the popular ISO format, but largely intended for Apple Mac computers.
A file with the extension ".mkv" is a Matroska Video File. MKV is the newest container format like AVI and OGM.
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an Internet protocol for automating the configuration of computers that use TCP/IP. DHCP can be used to automatically assign IP addresses, to deliver TCP/IP stack configuration parameters such as the subnet mask and default router, and to provide other configuration information such as the addresses for printer, time and news servers.
Acronym for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. PPPoE relies on two widely accepted standards: PPP and Ethernet. PPPoE is a specification for connecting the users on an Ethernet to the Internet through a common broadband medium, such as a single DSL line, wireless device or cable modem. All the users over the Ethernet share a common connection, so the Ethernet principles supporting multiple users in a LAN combine with the principles of PPP, which apply to serial connections.
Introduced by Sun Microsystems, Inc., the award winning JXTA technology is a set of open, generalized peer-to-peer protocols that allows any connected device (cell phone to PDA, PC to server) on the network to communicate and collaborate. Project JXTA is an open source effort that involved the developer community from the start.
JXTA technology enables developers to create innovative distributed services and applications. JXTA technology is used to create applications and services that enable people to:
* Collaborate on projects from anywhere using any connected device
* Share compute services, such as processor cycles or storage systems, regardless of where the systems or the users are physically located
* Communicate with colleagues across the world using a peer-to-peer network
* Share files and information to distributed locations on the network, not just to local hard drives
* Connect game systems so that multiple people in multiple locations can play the same game interactively
Internet Service Provider
An identifier for files on the FastTrack network, introduced for use with Kazaa ver 2.6 and later, as an improvement on 'sig2dat'.
A tracker is similar to a traffic cop. It keeps track of all the files that are uploaded to it, and directs all the various traffic to where it needs to go. It also is a great way to check out the status of various torrents, as most sites trackers contain information about each torrent files number of complete seeders versus, the number of leechers.
UPnP™ technology is all about making home networking simple and affordable for users so the connected home experience becomes a mainstream experience for users experience and great opportunity for the industry. UPnP™ architecture offers pervasive peer-to-peer network connectivity of PCs of all form factors, intelligent appliances, and wireless devices. UPnP™ architecture leverages TCP/IP and the Web to enable seamless proximity networking in addition to control and data transfer among networked devices in the home, office, and everywhere in between. UPnP™ technology can be supported on essentially any operating system and works with essentially any type of physical networking media - wired or wireless - providing maximum user and developer choice and great economics.
Newsparrot is a newsreader, designed to explore the thousands of open newsservers on Usenet for newsgroups of interest. This newsreader also includes options for finding more newsservers by examining message headers, or by importing the newsservers from websites on the web.
Hypertorrent is a BitTorrent search engine that index’s and categorizes links to BitTorrent files from the web.
Exeem is a decentralized BitTorrent network currently being developed by SuprNova. The project is being kept under a veil of secrecy, therefore little is known about the network or program.
A pay P2P client.
Business to Business (B2B) trade is a potentially huge use of the Internet. The initial solutions to this via independent aggregating hubs are now being discredited as the early movers fail to generate revenue. The various alternatives of Industry Sponsored Markets (ISM), Private markets, Supply chain automation and others have their own problems particularly in the areas of content management, scalability and privacy. Almost all the thinking around this has been in terms of straight line value chains, or one to many aggregation dominated by big business. The smaller players and Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) have largely been ignored. It is now being realized that successful internet B2B systems are going to have to reflect the constantly shifting web of interconnections that characterizes business trade. This document examines some of the current problems in B2B systems and explores ways in which a P2P approach might solve them. This is summarized in a brief proposal for a business P2P system that allows trade to happen directly between partners rather than via central hub.
This is a file that has a .srt extension and contains subtitles for a movie. These files are used to show subtitles in movies but you have to make sure that you have a player that supports them. The BSPlayer does a good job for windows users.
One of the many 'release groups' who are responsible for many new movie releases.
Popular file compression program
This is a file type that Nero uses for it's ISO format. When you get a program with this extension you should use nero to burn the image to a CD or DVD.
On the BitTorrent network, someone who has the entire archive that is being offered is called a seed. A seeder can refer to any seed for that archive, but often refers more directly to a user who purposely joins a torrent even though the user already has a complete archive - for the purpose of sharing of course!
Acronym for Local Area Network, and is any network that is connected within a confined space, usually separate from the internet but may have a portal to the internet.
VBR is an acronym for Variable Bitrate. Normally an MP3 will be encoded at a certain bitrate which determines the quality of the audio after the encoding. To preserve as much quality as possible while keeping the file size as small as possible, a user will encode the MP3 at a variable bitrate where the bitrate changes on the fly according to the needs of the encoder. If a tune has a few seconds of sound that will not benefit from encoding at the higher bitrate, it will automatically fall back and encode it at a smaller bitrate that will help conserve file size.
One of the most popular audio media players around.
An acronym for Role Playing Game, a type of game along the lines of the Dungeons and Dragons genre.
A repack is a term used to describe making an archive set (usually RARs) of a file (or files) that is different from the one that the file(s) originally came in. People usually put this is their subject line when posting in the newsgroups so that others that are looking for pieces from the original archive set will not try and download the repack piece instead.
Protowall is a lightweight program that runs in the background, taking up little CPU and memory, while blocking thousands of bad IP addresses.
Nodezilla is a secured, distributed and fault tolerant routing system (aka Grid Network). Its main purpose is to serve as a link for distributed services built on top of it (like chat, efficient video multicasting streaming, File Sharing, secured file store ...). Nodezilla provides cache features; any server may create a local replica of any data object. These local replicas provide faster access and robustness to network partitions. They also reduce network congestion by localizing access traffic. It is assumed that any server in the infrastructure may crash, leak information, or become compromised, therefore to ensure data protection redundancy and cryptographic techniques are used.
cbt is an acronym for Computer Based Training. This is a broad category of programs that a user uses that is meant to help you learn something.
FileCroc is a peer to peer filesharing program by means of which you can share your files (video, audio, picture, etc.) in the FileCroc community.
data miner
A software application that monitors and/or analyzes the activities of a computer, and subsequently its user, of the purpose of collecting information that typically will be used for marketing purposes.
represents any eight bit quantity. By definition, an octet ranges in mathematical value from zero to 255. Typically an octet is also a byte, but the term octet came into existence because historically some computer systems did not represent a byte as eight bits.
DVD Recordable media that is used to write information to it once. With the drop in price of DVD burners, DVDr's are quickly growing in popularity.
Ogg Media File, was developed by Tobias Waldogels. It is an advanced video format, which can do many things what the AVI format cannot
LeecHammer is a program designed to work in tandem with WinMX and help eliminate leeches from your upload queue.
ogg vorbis
Ogg Vorbis is a completely open, patent-free, professional audio encoding and streaming technology with all the benefits of Open Source.
Computation Analysis PRogramming Interface
A process that runs in the background and performs a specified operation at predefined times or in response to certain events.
giFT is a collection of various software components geared towards improving the overall usability of a multitude of peer-to-peer file-sharing networks. This goal is accomplished by unifying the components such that a user of the software may choose any of the available interfaces to access any of the available networks.
mdf file
Menu definition file
is based on the search engine previously marketed by Open Text as PAT and OT5. The University of Michigan has licensed the code in order to undertake distribution and support, as well as to add functionality.
GrabIt© is a PHP function that, in short, allows you to grab content from other websites to be presented on your own site.
All done without the need of (nested)frames and allways providing you with the latest content from other websites.
manufactures a type of networking device officially named the "Instant Broadband™ EtherFast Cable/DSL Router." Linksys has produced several different models in this line, although all of them offer related capability.
A .mov file is, of course, a movie file. A .qt file is (for historical reasons) an alternate extension for movie files (.qt's and .mov's are identical).
the name of the core backend server technology and the downloadable client technology that makes Sponster possible.
Very high data rate Digital Subscriber Line - Modem for twisted-pair access operating at data rates from 12.9 to 52.8 Mbps with corresponding maximum reach ranging from 4500 feet to 1000 feet of 24 gauge twisted pair.
multisource file transmission protocol
MFTP is designed to spread files in the fastest possible way between many interested users. MFTP will download the same file from several sources concurrently, allowing for a combined higher speed.
Slot refers to a position an individual is in when uploading or downloading. It is identical to a queue.
MXmonitor is a anti-leech tool designed to accompany WinMX.
Although originally designed to describe "newbies" to the gaming scene, this is now a general term to describe anyone who is consistent with being or acting stupid.
The makers of peerfactor. A program that rewards those that use it.
PeerFactor is a French company who produce proprietary P2P software to aid both business and individuals distribute large files.
The software is based on the principles of BitTorrent and employs technology from the BitTorrent client uTorrent to make the software light and CPU friendly.
PeerFactor was previously part of the French anti-piracy group RetSpan. During this time, PeerFactor paid file sharers to share files which "trapped" internet users who tried to download copyrighted contents from P2P networks without authorization. When they try to open a PeerFactor file they have downloaded (by thinking that it is a real pirated file), they will be automatically redirected to an authorized web site, on which they will be able to get a complete and legal version of the product they wanted to steal. In other words, it is a P against P.
PeerFactor is no longer part of RetSpan and claim to have dropped all previous anti-P2P activities to focus on producing their own P2P software.
a way of transmitting information in wave form that is reasonably fast and is often used for notebooks.
FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec. Grossly oversimplified, FLAC is similar to MP3, but lossless, meaning that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality. This is similar to how Zip works, except with FLAC you will get much better compression because it is designed specifically for audio, and you can play back compressed FLAC files in your favorite player (or your car or home stereo, see links to the right for supported devices) just like you would an MP3 file.
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Kdrive is a secure global virtual hard drive. Anyone can create a folder on the Kdrive. You can use Kdrive to chat with and share files with friends, business associates, or the general public.
Kdrive is built from the beginning with security and privacy in mind. All communications and file transfer is authenticated and encrypted. This means you know who you are talking to and no one else can listen in on your conversation.
Computer encryption is based on the science of cryptography, which has been used throughout history. Before the digital age, the biggest users of cryptography were governments, particularly for military purposes. The existence of coded messages has been verified as far back as the Roman Empire. But most forms of cryptography in use these days rely on computers, simply because a human-based code is too easy for a computer to crack.
Most computer encryption systems belong in one of two categories:
Symmetric-key encryption
Public-key encryption
a system which makes it possible to identify the users of pirate music on Internet.
a software package for multi-agent simulation of complex systems, originally developed at the Santa Fe Institute. Source Swarm is intended to be a useful tool for researchers in a variety of disciplines. The basic architecture of Swarm is the simulation of collections of concurrently interacting agents: with this architecture, we can implement a large variety of agent based models.
hash codes
A value returned by a hash function. A hash code can be used as an index into a random-access data structure, providing an efficient mapping between an object and its location. Used by classes such as HashMap.
The Neutralized-Transport Experiment, or NTX, will address many key scientific issues of final focus and neutralized transport in a fusion chamber. Numerical simulations indicate that the focal spot of a beam on a fusion target is sensitive to aberrations in the final magnetic lenses, the velocity spread within a beam, charge-neutralization processes in the chamber, and in particular, the beam perveance, loosely defined as the ratio of the edge potential of a beam to its kinetic energy. In NTX, a low-voltage and low-current beam with an adjustable perveance will be used to test final-focus optics and charge neutralization physics, providing the first experimental validation of the computer codes and significantly enhancing the science base for later final-focus designs. The parameters of the experiment are chosen to ensure that physics observed on NTX will model a full-scale transport system as accurately as possible.
dv codec
a software codec for DV video, the encoding format used by most digital camcorders, typically those that support the IEEE 1394 (a.k.a. FireWire or i.Link) interface.
to group together columns with the same nonzero structure, so they can be treated as a dense matrix for storage and computation.
mds file
A MDS file is a small meta file that contains description information about the associated ISO. It is not an ISO file nor can a MDS file be converted into a ISO. You must have the ISO; however, you can usually have an ISO without a MDS. So, no need to convert, just play the ISO.
Acronym for newzbin. Since newzBin index pretty much every file on Usenet, and maintain a record of them for around 20 days, we have the ability to generate a short summary file containing all the information a newsreader requires to download any given file, or set of files.
The usefulness of these files depends on you having a client which can read them. At the moment, we know of the following clients which have support (and which version added it)
client, guest -- ((computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network)
nzb file
the ability to generate a short summary file containing all the information a newsreader requires to download any given file, or set of files.
MPEG-4 Structured Audio is the collective name for a set of tools which allow powerful and flexible description of sound in a variety of ways. Tools based on the MPEG-4 standard will be the future platform for computer music, audio for gaming, streaming Internet radio, and other multimedia applications. MPEG-4 Structured Audio and AudioBIFS are free standards created through the open standardization process and released into the public domain. They are completely free for anyone to use.
Swarming is similar to multi-source downloads in that various sources for the same file are grouped together. In the case of swarming, small chunks of the file are simultaneously downloaded from these different hosts and re-assembled to form a whole file. Because swarming allows BearShare to download from multiple hosts at the same time it can be very fast.
Open Source
Open source software, by definition, means that the source code is freely available, the source code may be used, copied, extended, and redistributed with or without modifications, and may be offered either with or without a fee. Where a fee is charged it is most commonly charged for warranties, support, or for accepting indemnity or liability obligations to your customers. Where a fee is charged you cannot charge for the original source code.
ASF files are basically the same as WMV/WMA files, but with different MIME types.
The MIME type for a WMV file is video/x-ms-wmv, and for WMA it is audio/x-ms-wma. The MIME type for ASF is video/x-ms-asf. The basic internal structure of the files are identical.
Software which is usually resticted, allowing full use for a trial period, and/or requiring a fee to 'unlock' some of it's features.
Software which is free to use. This type of software has complete functionality at no cost to the user.
peer to peer
Peer-to-peer is a networking term describing the connecting of a computer on the network to another computer on the network.
LOMAC uses Low Water-Mark Mandatory Access Control to protect the integrity of processes and data from viruses, trojan horses, malicious remote users, and compromised network server daemons.
Mnet is a distributed file store. A distributed file store is a shared virtual space into which you can put, and from which you can get, files. Mnet is also an emergent network. An emergent network is one in which the important features of the network result from the interactions of nodes operated by autonomous people or organizations who do not explicitly coordinate with one another.
QuickMX main features: allows unlimited find-sources, do more efficient auto-find-sources for broadband connections, resulting in faster sources finding, and threfore - faster downloads!
xMule is an easy to use multi-platform synchronizing fork of the popular eMule client. Based upon the wxWindows library and GNU C++, xMule aims to support the Linux, *BSD, and MacOS X operating systems
DietK is an independent program that strips the official Kazaa client of adware, while adding functionality. It does nothing to change the actual program of Kazaa, just the third party software that accompanies it. Many prefer using this program along with Kazaa Lite.
A program/network that uses a credit system. To download a file one must have enough credits from uploading. This is enforced in an attempt to eliminate leechers from the network.
This file contains a list of open-nap servers that WinMX can use to load into its OpenNap support section.
A server program that runs on any PC which incorporates powerful file-sharing capabilities. Allows users to connect to the PC and browse through tightly controlled directories. Has search capabilities.
This term usually refers to a user who is sharing a complete archive on the BitTorrent network. A seed is any user that has 100% of the archive meaning that every person connected to a seed is guaranteed access to an essential part (one not available through any other user.)
A DVD Rip is a digitally copied DVD. From there it is either left in its original VOB format or encoded to a DivX format.
M3U is a media queue format, also generally known to humans as a playlist. It is the default playlist save format of WinAMP and most other media programs. It allows multiple files to be queued in a program in a specific format.
Small programming division of AOL, led by Justin Frankle. Most notable contributions to the P2P world include Gnutella and WinAmp
Encase is the software used by many law enforcement agencies to scan the hard drive of computers that have been seized so evidence may be extracted for the case against the person or company the computer was seized from.
Acronym for Graphical User Interface. This is the visual part of the program, where you enter information, read information and so on.
Ultra Peer
An ultra peer is just another name for a Super Peer or Supernode. Like its brethern, an Ultra Peer is a temporary indexing server found on decentralized network.
FrontCode Technologies is the development team behind WinMX. Based in Ontario, Canada, FrontCode is headed by President Kevin Hearn
Windows Media Audio (WMA). This is the proprietary music format developed by Microsoft, complete with Digital Rights Management .
A program initially made for Linux machines that broke the "CSS" or Content Scrabling System encryption on DVDs.
An extension of the MPEG-2 video only file. These are extremely high quality video files that have typically used for encoding Music Videos.
MIDI file
Acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI files are the predecessors of the MP3. They are used to store song information in a format readable by most software and hardware musical devices. The standardization of a MIDI file enables it to be created in one musical program and then loaded and edited in a completely different one. Used as a sampler for music, MIDI fies are created through instrument sequence, and do not record voice.
Azureus is a java bittorrent client. It provides a quite full bittorrent protocol implementation using java language.
Popular file verification site for the eDonkey2000 network.
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License , the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone.
KADEMLIA is a novel routing algorithm for peer-to-peer networks based on the XOR metric. The KADEMLIA project is a research effort to implement a full-featured peer-to-peer system based on the XOR metric routing. Topics of interest are efficient data storage and query; anonimity; network, content and user security and authentication. Currently, we are working on a Java implementation of KADEMLIA.
Cam refers to the type of medium used to record a movie for release on the Internet. Typically, an individual brings a "cam" recorder into the theater and records the movie in this fashion. Not surprisingly, the quality is only marginal.
Super Peer
A super peer is just another name for a Super Node or Ultra Peer.
SRT files
SRT files are the subtitles that usually accompany a DivX movie.
Distributed Hash
A technology that can be used to develop a common infrastructure for distributed or peer-to-peer applications, including storage and multicasting.
TAR is a UNIX command that allows you to create a single archive file containing many files. Such archiving allows you to maintain directory relationships and facilitates transferring complex programs with many separate but integrated parts that must have their relationships preserved. TAR has a plethora of options that allow you to do archiving and unpacking in many ways.
A gopher system is a simple menu based interface that can connect you to text files, downloadable binary files, file searches, telnet connections, or to another menu. The selections can be local or can link to any other gopher, web, telnet, or ftp site around the world. In a gopher system, you type a number or click on an icon to select the menu item you want. The first gopher was developed at the University of Minnesota, and you can use their gopher to link gophers from all over the World.
The Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) is an "application framework" for programming in Microsoft Windows. Written in C++, MFC provides much of the code necessary for managing windows, menus, and dialog boxes; performing basic input/output; storing collections of data objects; and so on. All you need to do is add your application-specific code into this framework
QuickPar is a utility for creating Parity Volumes using the Reed Solomon algorithm
A Wave file is an audio file format, created by Microsoft, that has become a standard PC audio file format for everything from system and game sounds to CD-quality audio. A Wave file is identified by a file name extension of WAV (.wav). Used primarily in PCs, the Wave file format has been accepted as a viable interchange medium for other computer platforms, such as Macintosh. This allows content developers to freely move audio files between platforms for processing, for example.
Bottler is an application that creates an interface to IRC offer bots.If you know where to look, there are hundreds of bots offering hundreds of files. The problem is that finding those files involves hanging out in IRC channels and watching reams of text stream pass. Bottler does all the watching for you by querying bots in IRC channels and then listening in those channels for when new bots arrive. Bottler will present the list of files currently being offered and will let you download them using inbuilt DCC transfer technology
This Standard specifies a Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1, for computing a condensed representation of a message or a data file.
A video file that can be played using the Quicktime video player made by Apple.
Files that have this sequence of letters in them usually are xvid video files that have AC3 encoded audio. A typical problem occuring now is the absence of sound for people using these files. Luckily, it is relatively easy to fix this problem by visiting the link below and getting the AC3 codec.
A method of uniquely identifying your emule client on the eDonkey2000 network. This is then used to set up a sort of credit system where users who upload to someone are given priority in that persons queues for downloading.
A method of encoding a binary file into an ascii text file for transfer over systems that only accept text such as the newsgroups. This is a member in a family that includes UUencoding/UUdecoding, and Yenc.
Bots are "robots" that occupy IRC chat channels for security purposes. Typically, the guard chat channels from flooding, take-over, and other malicious acts when channel operators are not available.
Par 2.0 specification is an attempt to replace the par 1.0 that has commonly been used. Here is a list of the improvements included in version 2.0:
Par Files
They are the answer to the problem of missing files. [PAR]ity files are used to reconstruct files that are missing from the archive. For example, if you have downloaded an archive that was split into 47 RAR files but one of them is missing, you could simply download a PAR file for that archive. Once you have the PAR file, you can use SmartPAR to reconstruct the missing file.
A file that is included in an archive that is created by CloneCD. It is the Sub Channel Data, the sub channel data of all tracks of the CD.
The cue file for a CloneCD archive. There are normally three files that comprise an entire CloneCD archive, they are .iso, .ccd, and .sub.
Usually refers to a particular format of ISO file that is made with CloneCD and has an .img extension. The set of files that CloneCD creates for an ISO are a .img, a .ccd cue file, and a .sub file.
Magnet Link
A magnet link enabling seamless integration between websites and locally-running utilities such as P2P software. A user, by clicking on the magnet link on a website, will initiate the download of that particular file that the magnet link refers. The reference is usually done by hash coding ensuring that you are downloading the real file and not a fake.
A type of cryptographic hash, TigerTree is calculated by applying the Tiger hash to 1024-byte blocks of a stream, then combining the interim values through a binary hash tree.
A protocol for handling TCP traffic through a proxy server. It can be used with virtually any TCP application, including Web browsers and FTP clients. It provides a simple firewall because it checks incoming and outgoing packets and hides the IP addresses of client applications
Slashdot Effect
Refers to the phenomenon of a server being overloaded due to the short time massive amounts of hits a site receives by being written about on a site like A problem that is being solved by innovative new programs like BitTorrent which by their very nature can ease the burden on a server during periods.
A query is a message that seeks to know the answer to a known question. In the File-Sharing world, queries are most often seen as a search of a network for a particular file.
A program that will work with par files to re-construct missing sections of an archive. This is a common tool for users of the newsgroups who download archives split up into many pieces with PAR files in case any are missing/corrupt.
The network that Piolet and Blubster connect to is technically called the MP2P network.
Soon I Will Update More.
If You Think I Have To Make Any Changes, Feel Free To Post Here 'n I Will Edit The Thread..
A seedbox is a private dedicated webserver used for the uploading and downloading of digital files.
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A tag used to suggest that the release is genuine or of greater quality/completeness than any previous releases of the same works.
SWF is a proprietary vector graphics file format produced by the Flash software from Adobe (formerly Macromedia). Intended to be small enough for publication on the web, SWF files can contain animations or applets of varying degrees of interactivity and function. SWF is also sometimes used for creating animated display graphics and menus for DVD movies, and television commercials.
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Usenet: reposted parts or files, uploaded after the original posting, to fill in a missing portion of a post.
Secure Sockets Layer - a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet. SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data - a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. Both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer support SSL, and many Web sites use the protocol to obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers.By convention, URLs that require an SSL connection start with https: instead of http:
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An allegedly compressed archive which is regarded as an adware/spyware/trojan scam by many
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CBR is a type of audio file encoding. In CBR (Constant Bitrate) encoding, the bitrate is kept constant across the entire file: the same number of bits is allocated to encode each second of audio, and internally, frames of audio data occur at regular, predictable intervals, so the overall file size for a given duration of audio is predictable. CBR is therefore the "opposite" of VBR.
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UHarc Compressed archive file
Alliance is an open source p2p program and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The Alliance network is completely decentralized.
a Cease and Desist letter. This is typically sent by a copyright holder, or an agent of a copyright holder, to an ISP, requesting they forward it to a customer who they say is distributing their material without authorization. It asks the customer to stop distributing the material in question.
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Files in .M4A format are actually the audio layer of (non-video) MPEG 4 movies. M4A is slated to become the new standard for audio file compression. This format is also known as Apple Lossless, Apple Lossless Encoder, or ALE. It is a new codec designed to provide lossless encoding in less storage space.
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM). Using it, you can record the history of sources files, and documents. It fills a similar role to the free software RCS, PRCS, and Aegis packages.
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An eBook is an electronic (or digital) version of a book.
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VoIP ( Voice over IP) telephony: a way of sending voice calls over the Internet using either a software or a hardware telephone.
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), is the name given by Microsoft to a method of sharing the internet connection available on one machine with one or more other machines, via a network connection.
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The darknet is not a separate physical network but an application and protocol layer riding on existing networks. Examples of darknets are peer-to-peer file sharing, CD and DVD copying, and key or password sharing on email and newsgroups
Short for IP Security, a set of protocols developed by the IETF to support secure exchange of packets at the IP layer. IPsec has been deployed widely to implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
IPsec supports two encryption modes: Transport and Tunnel. Transport mode encrypts only the data portion (payload) of each packet, but leaves the header untouched. The more secure Tunnel mode encrypts both the header and the payload. On the receiving side, an IPSec-compliant device decrypts each packet.
For IPsec to work, the sending and receiving devices must share a public key. This is accomplished through a protocol known as Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol/Oakley (ISAKMP/Oakley), which allows the receiver to obtain a public key and authenticate the sender using digital certificates.
OpenFT is a file sharing protocol developed by the giFT project. The name "OpenFT" stands for "Open FastTrack". Despite this, the OpenFT protocol is an entirely new protocol design: only a few ideas in the OpenFT protocol are drawn from what little was known about the FastTrack protocol at the time OpenFT was designed.
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ROM images (or ROMs, for short) is used in the context of emulation for a binary file which contains graphics, sounds, and program code. ROM images are usually created so that the software can be run on computer hardware different from the one the software was originally designed for, using emulator software
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NAT (Network Address Translation) allows a single device, such as a router, to act as an agent between the Internet (or "public network") and a local (or "private") network. This means that only a single, unique IP address is required to represent an entire group of computers.
Windows Media Player
An anonymous file-sharing network:
"MUTE protects your privacy by avoiding direct connections with your sharing partners in the network. Most other file sharing programs use direct connections to download or upload, making your identity available to spies from the RIAA and other unscrupulous organizations."
Distributed hash tables (DHTs) are a class of decentralized, distributed systems and algorithms being developed to provide a scalable, self-configuring infrastructure with a clean programming interface. This infrastructure can then be used to support more complex services. DHTs can be used to store data, as well as route and disseminate information. DHTs are named after hash tables because they assign responsibility for a piece of data based on a hash function (often SHA-1); each node acts like a bucket in a hash table. A DHT provides an efficient lookup algorithm (or network routing method) that allows one participating node to quickly determine which other machine is responsible for a given piece of data.
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Short for "weB LOG"; blogs are online journals or articles on just about any subject or topic. Many consider blogs pillars of the first amendment, since anyone can start writing a blog from the facets of free avenues that makes blogging openly available.
The term bloatware refers to a piece of software so bogged down with other third party software that its size becomes bloated. i.e., "That Grokster P2P program has so much spyware, its bloatware!"
Referrers to a "leet" or an "elite" class of netizens; it is a name associated with pompous individuals who believe feudalism is alive and well on the Internet.
A CD image file, like the popular ISO format, but largely intended for Apple Mac computers.
A file with the extension ".mkv" is a Matroska Video File. MKV is the newest container format like AVI and OGM.
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an Internet protocol for automating the configuration of computers that use TCP/IP. DHCP can be used to automatically assign IP addresses, to deliver TCP/IP stack configuration parameters such as the subnet mask and default router, and to provide other configuration information such as the addresses for printer, time and news servers.
Acronym for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. PPPoE relies on two widely accepted standards: PPP and Ethernet. PPPoE is a specification for connecting the users on an Ethernet to the Internet through a common broadband medium, such as a single DSL line, wireless device or cable modem. All the users over the Ethernet share a common connection, so the Ethernet principles supporting multiple users in a LAN combine with the principles of PPP, which apply to serial connections.
Introduced by Sun Microsystems, Inc., the award winning JXTA technology is a set of open, generalized peer-to-peer protocols that allows any connected device (cell phone to PDA, PC to server) on the network to communicate and collaborate. Project JXTA is an open source effort that involved the developer community from the start.
JXTA technology enables developers to create innovative distributed services and applications. JXTA technology is used to create applications and services that enable people to:
* Collaborate on projects from anywhere using any connected device
* Share compute services, such as processor cycles or storage systems, regardless of where the systems or the users are physically located
* Communicate with colleagues across the world using a peer-to-peer network
* Share files and information to distributed locations on the network, not just to local hard drives
* Connect game systems so that multiple people in multiple locations can play the same game interactively
Internet Service Provider
An identifier for files on the FastTrack network, introduced for use with Kazaa ver 2.6 and later, as an improvement on 'sig2dat'.
A tracker is similar to a traffic cop. It keeps track of all the files that are uploaded to it, and directs all the various traffic to where it needs to go. It also is a great way to check out the status of various torrents, as most sites trackers contain information about each torrent files number of complete seeders versus, the number of leechers.
UPnP™ technology is all about making home networking simple and affordable for users so the connected home experience becomes a mainstream experience for users experience and great opportunity for the industry. UPnP™ architecture offers pervasive peer-to-peer network connectivity of PCs of all form factors, intelligent appliances, and wireless devices. UPnP™ architecture leverages TCP/IP and the Web to enable seamless proximity networking in addition to control and data transfer among networked devices in the home, office, and everywhere in between. UPnP™ technology can be supported on essentially any operating system and works with essentially any type of physical networking media - wired or wireless - providing maximum user and developer choice and great economics.
Newsparrot is a newsreader, designed to explore the thousands of open newsservers on Usenet for newsgroups of interest. This newsreader also includes options for finding more newsservers by examining message headers, or by importing the newsservers from websites on the web.
Hypertorrent is a BitTorrent search engine that index’s and categorizes links to BitTorrent files from the web.
Exeem is a decentralized BitTorrent network currently being developed by SuprNova. The project is being kept under a veil of secrecy, therefore little is known about the network or program.
A pay P2P client.
Business to Business (B2B) trade is a potentially huge use of the Internet. The initial solutions to this via independent aggregating hubs are now being discredited as the early movers fail to generate revenue. The various alternatives of Industry Sponsored Markets (ISM), Private markets, Supply chain automation and others have their own problems particularly in the areas of content management, scalability and privacy. Almost all the thinking around this has been in terms of straight line value chains, or one to many aggregation dominated by big business. The smaller players and Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) have largely been ignored. It is now being realized that successful internet B2B systems are going to have to reflect the constantly shifting web of interconnections that characterizes business trade. This document examines some of the current problems in B2B systems and explores ways in which a P2P approach might solve them. This is summarized in a brief proposal for a business P2P system that allows trade to happen directly between partners rather than via central hub.
This is a file that has a .srt extension and contains subtitles for a movie. These files are used to show subtitles in movies but you have to make sure that you have a player that supports them. The BSPlayer does a good job for windows users.
One of the many 'release groups' who are responsible for many new movie releases.
Popular file compression program
This is a file type that Nero uses for it's ISO format. When you get a program with this extension you should use nero to burn the image to a CD or DVD.
On the BitTorrent network, someone who has the entire archive that is being offered is called a seed. A seeder can refer to any seed for that archive, but often refers more directly to a user who purposely joins a torrent even though the user already has a complete archive - for the purpose of sharing of course!
Acronym for Local Area Network, and is any network that is connected within a confined space, usually separate from the internet but may have a portal to the internet.
VBR is an acronym for Variable Bitrate. Normally an MP3 will be encoded at a certain bitrate which determines the quality of the audio after the encoding. To preserve as much quality as possible while keeping the file size as small as possible, a user will encode the MP3 at a variable bitrate where the bitrate changes on the fly according to the needs of the encoder. If a tune has a few seconds of sound that will not benefit from encoding at the higher bitrate, it will automatically fall back and encode it at a smaller bitrate that will help conserve file size.
One of the most popular audio media players around.
An acronym for Role Playing Game, a type of game along the lines of the Dungeons and Dragons genre.
A repack is a term used to describe making an archive set (usually RARs) of a file (or files) that is different from the one that the file(s) originally came in. People usually put this is their subject line when posting in the newsgroups so that others that are looking for pieces from the original archive set will not try and download the repack piece instead.
Protowall is a lightweight program that runs in the background, taking up little CPU and memory, while blocking thousands of bad IP addresses.
Nodezilla is a secured, distributed and fault tolerant routing system (aka Grid Network). Its main purpose is to serve as a link for distributed services built on top of it (like chat, efficient video multicasting streaming, File Sharing, secured file store ...). Nodezilla provides cache features; any server may create a local replica of any data object. These local replicas provide faster access and robustness to network partitions. They also reduce network congestion by localizing access traffic. It is assumed that any server in the infrastructure may crash, leak information, or become compromised, therefore to ensure data protection redundancy and cryptographic techniques are used.
cbt is an acronym for Computer Based Training. This is a broad category of programs that a user uses that is meant to help you learn something.
FileCroc is a peer to peer filesharing program by means of which you can share your files (video, audio, picture, etc.) in the FileCroc community.
data miner
A software application that monitors and/or analyzes the activities of a computer, and subsequently its user, of the purpose of collecting information that typically will be used for marketing purposes.
represents any eight bit quantity. By definition, an octet ranges in mathematical value from zero to 255. Typically an octet is also a byte, but the term octet came into existence because historically some computer systems did not represent a byte as eight bits.
DVD Recordable media that is used to write information to it once. With the drop in price of DVD burners, DVDr's are quickly growing in popularity.
Ogg Media File, was developed by Tobias Waldogels. It is an advanced video format, which can do many things what the AVI format cannot
LeecHammer is a program designed to work in tandem with WinMX and help eliminate leeches from your upload queue.
ogg vorbis
Ogg Vorbis is a completely open, patent-free, professional audio encoding and streaming technology with all the benefits of Open Source.
Computation Analysis PRogramming Interface
A process that runs in the background and performs a specified operation at predefined times or in response to certain events.
giFT is a collection of various software components geared towards improving the overall usability of a multitude of peer-to-peer file-sharing networks. This goal is accomplished by unifying the components such that a user of the software may choose any of the available interfaces to access any of the available networks.
mdf file
Menu definition file
is based on the search engine previously marketed by Open Text as PAT and OT5. The University of Michigan has licensed the code in order to undertake distribution and support, as well as to add functionality.
GrabIt© is a PHP function that, in short, allows you to grab content from other websites to be presented on your own site.
All done without the need of (nested)frames and allways providing you with the latest content from other websites.
manufactures a type of networking device officially named the "Instant Broadband™ EtherFast Cable/DSL Router." Linksys has produced several different models in this line, although all of them offer related capability.
A .mov file is, of course, a movie file. A .qt file is (for historical reasons) an alternate extension for movie files (.qt's and .mov's are identical).
the name of the core backend server technology and the downloadable client technology that makes Sponster possible.
Very high data rate Digital Subscriber Line - Modem for twisted-pair access operating at data rates from 12.9 to 52.8 Mbps with corresponding maximum reach ranging from 4500 feet to 1000 feet of 24 gauge twisted pair.
multisource file transmission protocol
MFTP is designed to spread files in the fastest possible way between many interested users. MFTP will download the same file from several sources concurrently, allowing for a combined higher speed.
Slot refers to a position an individual is in when uploading or downloading. It is identical to a queue.
MXmonitor is a anti-leech tool designed to accompany WinMX.
Although originally designed to describe "newbies" to the gaming scene, this is now a general term to describe anyone who is consistent with being or acting stupid.
The makers of peerfactor. A program that rewards those that use it.
PeerFactor is a French company who produce proprietary P2P software to aid both business and individuals distribute large files.
The software is based on the principles of BitTorrent and employs technology from the BitTorrent client uTorrent to make the software light and CPU friendly.
PeerFactor was previously part of the French anti-piracy group RetSpan. During this time, PeerFactor paid file sharers to share files which "trapped" internet users who tried to download copyrighted contents from P2P networks without authorization. When they try to open a PeerFactor file they have downloaded (by thinking that it is a real pirated file), they will be automatically redirected to an authorized web site, on which they will be able to get a complete and legal version of the product they wanted to steal. In other words, it is a P against P.
PeerFactor is no longer part of RetSpan and claim to have dropped all previous anti-P2P activities to focus on producing their own P2P software.
a way of transmitting information in wave form that is reasonably fast and is often used for notebooks.
FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec. Grossly oversimplified, FLAC is similar to MP3, but lossless, meaning that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality. This is similar to how Zip works, except with FLAC you will get much better compression because it is designed specifically for audio, and you can play back compressed FLAC files in your favorite player (or your car or home stereo, see links to the right for supported devices) just like you would an MP3 file.
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Kdrive is a secure global virtual hard drive. Anyone can create a folder on the Kdrive. You can use Kdrive to chat with and share files with friends, business associates, or the general public.
Kdrive is built from the beginning with security and privacy in mind. All communications and file transfer is authenticated and encrypted. This means you know who you are talking to and no one else can listen in on your conversation.
Computer encryption is based on the science of cryptography, which has been used throughout history. Before the digital age, the biggest users of cryptography were governments, particularly for military purposes. The existence of coded messages has been verified as far back as the Roman Empire. But most forms of cryptography in use these days rely on computers, simply because a human-based code is too easy for a computer to crack.
Most computer encryption systems belong in one of two categories:
Symmetric-key encryption
Public-key encryption
a system which makes it possible to identify the users of pirate music on Internet.
a software package for multi-agent simulation of complex systems, originally developed at the Santa Fe Institute. Source Swarm is intended to be a useful tool for researchers in a variety of disciplines. The basic architecture of Swarm is the simulation of collections of concurrently interacting agents: with this architecture, we can implement a large variety of agent based models.
hash codes
A value returned by a hash function. A hash code can be used as an index into a random-access data structure, providing an efficient mapping between an object and its location. Used by classes such as HashMap.
The Neutralized-Transport Experiment, or NTX, will address many key scientific issues of final focus and neutralized transport in a fusion chamber. Numerical simulations indicate that the focal spot of a beam on a fusion target is sensitive to aberrations in the final magnetic lenses, the velocity spread within a beam, charge-neutralization processes in the chamber, and in particular, the beam perveance, loosely defined as the ratio of the edge potential of a beam to its kinetic energy. In NTX, a low-voltage and low-current beam with an adjustable perveance will be used to test final-focus optics and charge neutralization physics, providing the first experimental validation of the computer codes and significantly enhancing the science base for later final-focus designs. The parameters of the experiment are chosen to ensure that physics observed on NTX will model a full-scale transport system as accurately as possible.
dv codec
a software codec for DV video, the encoding format used by most digital camcorders, typically those that support the IEEE 1394 (a.k.a. FireWire or i.Link) interface.
to group together columns with the same nonzero structure, so they can be treated as a dense matrix for storage and computation.
mds file
A MDS file is a small meta file that contains description information about the associated ISO. It is not an ISO file nor can a MDS file be converted into a ISO. You must have the ISO; however, you can usually have an ISO without a MDS. So, no need to convert, just play the ISO.
Acronym for newzbin. Since newzBin index pretty much every file on Usenet, and maintain a record of them for around 20 days, we have the ability to generate a short summary file containing all the information a newsreader requires to download any given file, or set of files.
The usefulness of these files depends on you having a client which can read them. At the moment, we know of the following clients which have support (and which version added it)
client, guest -- ((computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network)
nzb file
the ability to generate a short summary file containing all the information a newsreader requires to download any given file, or set of files.
MPEG-4 Structured Audio is the collective name for a set of tools which allow powerful and flexible description of sound in a variety of ways. Tools based on the MPEG-4 standard will be the future platform for computer music, audio for gaming, streaming Internet radio, and other multimedia applications. MPEG-4 Structured Audio and AudioBIFS are free standards created through the open standardization process and released into the public domain. They are completely free for anyone to use.
Swarming is similar to multi-source downloads in that various sources for the same file are grouped together. In the case of swarming, small chunks of the file are simultaneously downloaded from these different hosts and re-assembled to form a whole file. Because swarming allows BearShare to download from multiple hosts at the same time it can be very fast.
Open Source
Open source software, by definition, means that the source code is freely available, the source code may be used, copied, extended, and redistributed with or without modifications, and may be offered either with or without a fee. Where a fee is charged it is most commonly charged for warranties, support, or for accepting indemnity or liability obligations to your customers. Where a fee is charged you cannot charge for the original source code.
ASF files are basically the same as WMV/WMA files, but with different MIME types.
The MIME type for a WMV file is video/x-ms-wmv, and for WMA it is audio/x-ms-wma. The MIME type for ASF is video/x-ms-asf. The basic internal structure of the files are identical.
Software which is usually resticted, allowing full use for a trial period, and/or requiring a fee to 'unlock' some of it's features.
Software which is free to use. This type of software has complete functionality at no cost to the user.
peer to peer
Peer-to-peer is a networking term describing the connecting of a computer on the network to another computer on the network.
LOMAC uses Low Water-Mark Mandatory Access Control to protect the integrity of processes and data from viruses, trojan horses, malicious remote users, and compromised network server daemons.
Mnet is a distributed file store. A distributed file store is a shared virtual space into which you can put, and from which you can get, files. Mnet is also an emergent network. An emergent network is one in which the important features of the network result from the interactions of nodes operated by autonomous people or organizations who do not explicitly coordinate with one another.
QuickMX main features: allows unlimited find-sources, do more efficient auto-find-sources for broadband connections, resulting in faster sources finding, and threfore - faster downloads!
xMule is an easy to use multi-platform synchronizing fork of the popular eMule client. Based upon the wxWindows library and GNU C++, xMule aims to support the Linux, *BSD, and MacOS X operating systems
DietK is an independent program that strips the official Kazaa client of adware, while adding functionality. It does nothing to change the actual program of Kazaa, just the third party software that accompanies it. Many prefer using this program along with Kazaa Lite.
A program/network that uses a credit system. To download a file one must have enough credits from uploading. This is enforced in an attempt to eliminate leechers from the network.
This file contains a list of open-nap servers that WinMX can use to load into its OpenNap support section.
A server program that runs on any PC which incorporates powerful file-sharing capabilities. Allows users to connect to the PC and browse through tightly controlled directories. Has search capabilities.
This term usually refers to a user who is sharing a complete archive on the BitTorrent network. A seed is any user that has 100% of the archive meaning that every person connected to a seed is guaranteed access to an essential part (one not available through any other user.)
A DVD Rip is a digitally copied DVD. From there it is either left in its original VOB format or encoded to a DivX format.
M3U is a media queue format, also generally known to humans as a playlist. It is the default playlist save format of WinAMP and most other media programs. It allows multiple files to be queued in a program in a specific format.
Small programming division of AOL, led by Justin Frankle. Most notable contributions to the P2P world include Gnutella and WinAmp
Encase is the software used by many law enforcement agencies to scan the hard drive of computers that have been seized so evidence may be extracted for the case against the person or company the computer was seized from.
Acronym for Graphical User Interface. This is the visual part of the program, where you enter information, read information and so on.
Ultra Peer
An ultra peer is just another name for a Super Peer or Supernode. Like its brethern, an Ultra Peer is a temporary indexing server found on decentralized network.
FrontCode Technologies is the development team behind WinMX. Based in Ontario, Canada, FrontCode is headed by President Kevin Hearn
Windows Media Audio (WMA). This is the proprietary music format developed by Microsoft, complete with Digital Rights Management .
A program initially made for Linux machines that broke the "CSS" or Content Scrabling System encryption on DVDs.
An extension of the MPEG-2 video only file. These are extremely high quality video files that have typically used for encoding Music Videos.
MIDI file
Acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI files are the predecessors of the MP3. They are used to store song information in a format readable by most software and hardware musical devices. The standardization of a MIDI file enables it to be created in one musical program and then loaded and edited in a completely different one. Used as a sampler for music, MIDI fies are created through instrument sequence, and do not record voice.
Azureus is a java bittorrent client. It provides a quite full bittorrent protocol implementation using java language.
Popular file verification site for the eDonkey2000 network.
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License , the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone.
KADEMLIA is a novel routing algorithm for peer-to-peer networks based on the XOR metric. The KADEMLIA project is a research effort to implement a full-featured peer-to-peer system based on the XOR metric routing. Topics of interest are efficient data storage and query; anonimity; network, content and user security and authentication. Currently, we are working on a Java implementation of KADEMLIA.
Cam refers to the type of medium used to record a movie for release on the Internet. Typically, an individual brings a "cam" recorder into the theater and records the movie in this fashion. Not surprisingly, the quality is only marginal.
Super Peer
A super peer is just another name for a Super Node or Ultra Peer.
SRT files
SRT files are the subtitles that usually accompany a DivX movie.
Distributed Hash
A technology that can be used to develop a common infrastructure for distributed or peer-to-peer applications, including storage and multicasting.
TAR is a UNIX command that allows you to create a single archive file containing many files. Such archiving allows you to maintain directory relationships and facilitates transferring complex programs with many separate but integrated parts that must have their relationships preserved. TAR has a plethora of options that allow you to do archiving and unpacking in many ways.
A gopher system is a simple menu based interface that can connect you to text files, downloadable binary files, file searches, telnet connections, or to another menu. The selections can be local or can link to any other gopher, web, telnet, or ftp site around the world. In a gopher system, you type a number or click on an icon to select the menu item you want. The first gopher was developed at the University of Minnesota, and you can use their gopher to link gophers from all over the World.
The Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) is an "application framework" for programming in Microsoft Windows. Written in C++, MFC provides much of the code necessary for managing windows, menus, and dialog boxes; performing basic input/output; storing collections of data objects; and so on. All you need to do is add your application-specific code into this framework
QuickPar is a utility for creating Parity Volumes using the Reed Solomon algorithm
A Wave file is an audio file format, created by Microsoft, that has become a standard PC audio file format for everything from system and game sounds to CD-quality audio. A Wave file is identified by a file name extension of WAV (.wav). Used primarily in PCs, the Wave file format has been accepted as a viable interchange medium for other computer platforms, such as Macintosh. This allows content developers to freely move audio files between platforms for processing, for example.
Bottler is an application that creates an interface to IRC offer bots.If you know where to look, there are hundreds of bots offering hundreds of files. The problem is that finding those files involves hanging out in IRC channels and watching reams of text stream pass. Bottler does all the watching for you by querying bots in IRC channels and then listening in those channels for when new bots arrive. Bottler will present the list of files currently being offered and will let you download them using inbuilt DCC transfer technology
This Standard specifies a Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1, for computing a condensed representation of a message or a data file.
A video file that can be played using the Quicktime video player made by Apple.
Files that have this sequence of letters in them usually are xvid video files that have AC3 encoded audio. A typical problem occuring now is the absence of sound for people using these files. Luckily, it is relatively easy to fix this problem by visiting the link below and getting the AC3 codec.
A method of uniquely identifying your emule client on the eDonkey2000 network. This is then used to set up a sort of credit system where users who upload to someone are given priority in that persons queues for downloading.
A method of encoding a binary file into an ascii text file for transfer over systems that only accept text such as the newsgroups. This is a member in a family that includes UUencoding/UUdecoding, and Yenc.
Bots are "robots" that occupy IRC chat channels for security purposes. Typically, the guard chat channels from flooding, take-over, and other malicious acts when channel operators are not available.
Par 2.0 specification is an attempt to replace the par 1.0 that has commonly been used. Here is a list of the improvements included in version 2.0:
Par Files
They are the answer to the problem of missing files. [PAR]ity files are used to reconstruct files that are missing from the archive. For example, if you have downloaded an archive that was split into 47 RAR files but one of them is missing, you could simply download a PAR file for that archive. Once you have the PAR file, you can use SmartPAR to reconstruct the missing file.
A file that is included in an archive that is created by CloneCD. It is the Sub Channel Data, the sub channel data of all tracks of the CD.
The cue file for a CloneCD archive. There are normally three files that comprise an entire CloneCD archive, they are .iso, .ccd, and .sub.
Usually refers to a particular format of ISO file that is made with CloneCD and has an .img extension. The set of files that CloneCD creates for an ISO are a .img, a .ccd cue file, and a .sub file.
Magnet Link
A magnet link enabling seamless integration between websites and locally-running utilities such as P2P software. A user, by clicking on the magnet link on a website, will initiate the download of that particular file that the magnet link refers. The reference is usually done by hash coding ensuring that you are downloading the real file and not a fake.
A type of cryptographic hash, TigerTree is calculated by applying the Tiger hash to 1024-byte blocks of a stream, then combining the interim values through a binary hash tree.
A protocol for handling TCP traffic through a proxy server. It can be used with virtually any TCP application, including Web browsers and FTP clients. It provides a simple firewall because it checks incoming and outgoing packets and hides the IP addresses of client applications
Slashdot Effect
Refers to the phenomenon of a server being overloaded due to the short time massive amounts of hits a site receives by being written about on a site like A problem that is being solved by innovative new programs like BitTorrent which by their very nature can ease the burden on a server during periods.
A query is a message that seeks to know the answer to a known question. In the File-Sharing world, queries are most often seen as a search of a network for a particular file.
A program that will work with par files to re-construct missing sections of an archive. This is a common tool for users of the newsgroups who download archives split up into many pieces with PAR files in case any are missing/corrupt.
The network that Piolet and Blubster connect to is technically called the MP2P network.
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